Wednesday 27 May 2009

Millennium Park Pavilions by Zaha Hadid and Ben van Berkel

The designs for two temporary pavilions that will be installed this June in Chicago’s Millennium Park have been unveiled.

Both pavilions — one designed by London-based Zaha Hadid and the other by Amsterdam-based Ben van Berkel of UNStudio — emphasize the importance of boldly imagining a better future for all, as Daniel Burnham and Edward Bennett did in 1909 in their Plan of Chicago.

Hadid’s curvilinear form uses state-of-the-art fabric technologies. The tent-like structure can be dismantled and re-installed elsewhere after the Centennial. Van Berkel’s floating roof offers surprising views of the Chicago skyline. This pavilion will be de-constructed and recycled.

For more information about the Pavilions, and schedule of events, visit:

The Zaha Hadid Pavilion:

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